Planning Department

  • Welcome to the Planning Department
    Welcome to the Planning Department
The mission of the Planning Department is to further the goals of the Town of Hopkinton's Comprehensive Community Plan and to provide support and guidance for planning and land-use decisions that enhance the character of the community, preserves the quality of life, and maintains the health, safety, and well-being of the people in the Town of Hopkinton.
The Town Planner is appointed by the Town Manager and assists, as appropriate, the Town Manager, Town Council, and relevant boards and commissions in the development, amendment, and interpretation of the Town Comprehensive Plan, Zoning and Groundwater Ordinances and Subdivision Regulations; and acts as professional staff to The Planning Board, Conservation Commission, Zoning Board of Review and Zoning Ordinance Review Committee.
The Planning Department is located on the second floor of the Hopkinton Post Office building, next to the Town Hall at One Town House Road, Hopkinton, Rhode Island.
The public is encouraged to call or visit the department to research issues or to resolve questions regarding planning issues. All current development proposals are available for public review and inspection during office hours. You are invited to visit the department at any time, or for a more detailed discussion, please call for an appointment to speak to the Planner.
Planning Department Functions
Contact us Concerning:
  • Planning Board Meeting Agendas and Minutes
  • Subdivision Regulations
  • Site Plan Approvals
  • Subdivision Approvals

Staff Contacts

Name Title Phone
Planning Department Planner 401-377-7770