Farm, Forest, and Open Space Program


The Farm, Forest, and Open Space Program (FFOS) is available to those taxpayers who have adequate acreage and meet eligibility criteria. This program encourages the preservation of farm, forest, and open space land in order to maintain a readily available source of food and farm products. It also helps conserve the State’s natural resources and helps to protect scenic views and maintain rural character.

Rhode Island law allows property enrolled in the Farm, Forest, and Open Space program to be assessed at its current use, not its value for development. The purpose of the law is to conserve Rhode Island’s productive agricultural and forest land by reducing the chance it will have to be sold for development.

The savings for participation in the program depend upon the classification you wish to enroll. Please contact the assessor’s office for more information, or follow one of the additional resources listed below.

Once enrolled in the program, a yearly renewal certificate has to be completed and returned to our office by January 31st.

Helpful Links

Farm, Forest, and Open Space Renewal Certificate
A Citizen’s Guide to The Farm, Forest, and Open Space Act
Application for Designation of Farmland
Application for Designation of Forestland
Application for Designation of Open Space
RIGL Chapter 44-27: Taxation of Farm, Forest, and Open Space Land